Making property assessments as simple as snapping a picture

Property assessments sit at the center of home appraisals, insurance claims, renovation projects, and a number…

Documentary featuring Professor Sara Seager wins Emmy Award

A number of MIT affiliates featured prominently at the 43rd Annual News and Documentary Emmy Awards…

Making hydropower plants more sustainable

Growing up on a farm in Texas, there was always something for siblings Gia Schneider ’99…

The hub of the local robotics industry

The MIT spinout Ori attracted a lot of attention when it unveiled its shapeshifting furniture prototypes…

Helping cassava farmers by extending crop life

The root vegetable cassava is a major food staple in dozens of countries across the world.…

Five with MIT ties win 2022 Hertz Foundation Fellowships

Five current graduate students and recent alumni have been awarded 2022 Hertz Fellowships in applied science,…

Building a decentralized bank for micro businesses in Latin America

In Barranquilla, Colombia, Edinson Flores has run a small, family-owned fast-food business for many years. But…

MIT Corporation elects nine term members, three life members

The MIT Corporation — the Institute’s board of trustees — has elected nine full-term members, who…

Helping dairy farmers raise healthy cows

Dairy farmers around the world have an information problem. To get the most accurate measurements of…

Thirteen from MIT awarded 2022 Fulbright Fellowships

Thirteen MIT undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni have been awarded Fulbright fellowships to pursue projects overseas…