Solar-powered desalination device wins MIT $100K competition

The winner of this year’s MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition is commercializing a new water desalination technology.…

MIT expands research collaboration with Commonwealth Fusion Systems to build net energy fusion machine, SPARC

MIT’s Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC) will substantially expand its fusion energy research and education…

Architecture isn’t just for humans anymore

In a rural valley of northwestern Nevada, home to stretches of wetlands, sagebrush-grassland, and dozens of…

Advocating for vaccine equity

When Digbijay Mahat arrived at MIT in 2017 to begin his postdoctoral studies, he had one…

Investing in a stronger MIT

MIT plans to make significant investments in the next fiscal year to support the Institute community,…

Launchpad for health care entrepreneurs

When computation and systems biology PhD student Elvira Kinzina was diagnosed with Lyme disease during her…

Illuminating the history and global story of antibiotics

When Rijul Kochhar arrived at MIT to begin his PhD studies, he was already certain about…

Lindsey Backman: Biochemist, mentor, and advocate

Raised in Tampa, Florida, Lindsey Backman takes pride in her family’s history and its role in…

Data flow’s decisive role on the global stage

In 2016, Meicen Sun came to a profound realization: “The control of digital information will lie…

A material difference

Eesha Khare has always seen a world of matter. The daughter of a hardware engineer and…