Goodbye robotic jerks: Bio-prosthetics learn the brain’s code

Prosthetic technology has long sought to bridge the gap between humans and machines, aiming to restore lost functionalities and improve the quality of life for those with limb impairments.

While existing neuroprosthetics have made significant strides in connectivity with the nervous system, researchers at ETH Zurich have uncovered a groundbreaking approach that promises to revolutionize the field.

Understanding neuroprosthetics

Neuroprostheses, intricate electro-mechanical devices, interface directly with the nervous system. However, conventional models often fail to establish natural communication pathways with the brain, resulting in artificial sensations and user discomfort. According to Professor Stanisa Raspopovic of ETH Zurich, these devices commonly evoke "artificial, unpleasant sensations."

The quest for biomimetic signaling: Nature as the blueprint

Researchers have advocated for a paradigm shift towards biomimetic signaling in neuroprosthetics in a collaborative effort spanning multiple countries. By mimicking the natural language of the nervous system, these innovative devices offer a more intuitive and seamless interface with the human body. Natalija Katic, a doctoral student in the research, developed the computer model, FootSim, to simulate the intricate dynamics of sensory receptors in the sole.

Giacomo Valle, a postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zurich, spearheaded experiments aimed at validating the efficacy of biomimetic signaling. The researchers observed promising results through trials conducted on feline subjects, whose nervous systems bear similarities to humans. Comparisons between conventional and biomimetic stimulation techniques revealed distinct neural activation patterns, highlighting the latter's superiority in minimizing information overload within the spinal cord.

Clinical implications: Transforming lives

The culmination of these efforts is evident in recent clinical trials involving leg amputees. Raspopovic and his team demonstrated the tangible benefits of biomimetic stimulation, showcasing enhanced mobility and cognitive ease for participants. Notably, subjects exhibited improved performance in tasks requiring cognitive engagement while navigating challenging terrains, underscoring the naturalistic efficacy of this novel approach.

Beyond limb prostheses, the implications of biomimetic signaling extend to a myriad of therapeutic applications, including spinal implants and brain electrodes. Raspopovic emphasizes the imperative to decipher the intricate language of the nervous system, envisioning a future where human-machine interactions are seamlessly integrated. "We need to learn the language of the nervous system," asserts Raspopovic, "Then we'll be able to communicate with the brain in ways it understands."

A paradigm shift in neuroprosthetics

The convergence of interdisciplinary research efforts at ETH Zurich heralds a new era in neuroprosthetics characterized by enhanced functionality, comfort, and user experience. As the field continues to evolve, biomimetic signaling stands poised to redefine the boundaries of the human-machine interface, offering unprecedented opportunities for individuals with limb impairments to reclaim agency and autonomy.

With ongoing advancements, the prospect of seamless integration between man and machine grows ever closer, promising a future where disability is no longer a barrier to participation and engagement in society. As we delve deeper into the language of the nervous system, the horizon of possibilities expands, ushering in a new era of innovation and inclusivity. The journey towards unlocking the full potential of bio-inspired neuroprosthetics continues, fueled by a relentless pursuit of understanding and innovation.

Originally published on Interesting Engineering : Original article

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