New tandem solar panel achieves world record conversion efficiency, 25%

A pivotal achievement has been reached in the realm of energy transition with the development of a cutting-edge tandem solar panel. Interestingly, the solar panel has demonstrated an impressive conversion efficiency rate of 25 percent.

The 25 percent efficiency is a significant improvement above the average 24 percent efficiency found in commercial modules. This makes it the world's most efficient perovskite silicon tandem solar module in an industrial configuration, as per the release.

This remarkable achievement marks a crucial milestone in the global transition towards sustainable energy sources. 

"This new world record is a crucial milestone for Oxford PV, proving that our tandem solar cells can deliver record-breaking performance when assembled into solar panels," said David Ward, Chief Executive Officer of Oxford PV, in the press release. 

The University of Oxford's spin-off business, Oxford PV, reached this solar technology milestone. The firm is well-known for its pioneering work in perovskite-on-silicon tandem solar cell technology. Oxford PV collaborated with the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems to reach this key solar technology milestone. 

Produced output of 421 watts

The press release highlights that this newly developed silicon perovskite tandem solar panel yielded an output of 421 watts over an area of 1.68 square meters (8.08 square feet). 

This extraordinary performance not only solidifies its status as an industrial frontrunner but also demonstrates the potential for widespread application in various sectors.

"Our record-breaking solar panels demonstrate that we are on the cusp of the next solar revolution, which will be delivered, in part, by our tandem cell technology," said Chris Case, Chief Technology Officer of Oxford PV. 

"Solar energy is currently among the most cost-effective and sustainable energy sources. Our continuous advancements in technology will further enhance module efficiency – producing more electricity from the same area – and extending their use to all market sectors from residential, commercial through to utility-scale," concluded Case. 

The growing need for highly efficient solar panels

The efficiency breakthrough serves as evidence of the ongoing advancements in solar technology. As the demand for renewable energy grows, achieving high conversion rates becomes a competitive advantage in the solar industry.

The pursuit of elevated conversion rates in solar panels stems from the essential goal of maximizing the efficiency of transforming sunlight into electrical energy. 

The attainment of superior conversion rates holds paramount importance for various reasons, mainly the dire need for heightened energy production, space utilization, economic viability, minimized environmental footprint, and seamless integration into power grids.

Originally published on Interesting Engineering : Original article

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